Geissele Automatics
Geissele Automatics was established in 2004 and has established a reputation for excellence. Geissele is known for producing the highest quality AR-15 and modern sporting rifle components from triggers to handguards, and everything in between. Shop our selection of Geissele triggers, rails, charging handles, and much more right here at Geissel Triggers Shop. Geissele Triggers for sale online. We are weapons makers, a subsidiary company of Geissele Automatics, that aims to provide customers with a convenient place to buy geissele triggers, geissele changing handles, geissele optics, geissele supper duty rifles and pistols, geissele upper receiver groups, geissele super modular rails online and to buy geissele gears online. We strive for the best customer service, not just in the firearms industry, but the best customer service period. This company was founded to provide our Geissele family(customers) with the means to be able to buy directly from Geissele Automatics(that is from triggers, super duty rifles and pistols, gear, optics, changing handles and many more) to be able to defend themselves and their families properly when law enforcement cannot respond quickly enough. or for sporting. Buy Geissele Triggers, Geissele rails, Geissele charging handle, Geissele handguards for sale.